Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about inventory software

What’s The Value Of Your Web Business?

If you own a web-based business, no matter how small, then that business is worth something ... entrepreneurs start small, often at home. Their only assets may be their computer, their software ... , inventory, and possibly even a building — the standard methods of valuation make a lot of sense [more...]

Date: 2008-10-31 18:48:50

Blog posts (2) | Videos (9)

I need an easy one-stop solution to run small business

I have been given the task to simplify the now messy software at my work ... , and not the good type either. We have a stand alone database for job ticketing which is an old DOS based BASIC application. There is then a separate POS program that only handles inventory and sales [more...]

Date: 2008-07-21 04:22:41

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