
Rank: 305 / 1500

5 selected articles

MIT Develops Hack-Proof RFID Chip — Here's How It Works

Do you know about RFID chips and how many you are carrying at this moment?

Today, RFID chips are built-in all sorts of items, including your credit cards, travel swipe cards, library books, grocery store cards, security tags, implanted medical records, passports and even the access cards provided by companies.

But, What actually is an RFID chip?

Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a small...

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Date: 2017-03-03 18:19:27

Related topics : hacking rfid chips / rfid chip credit card security / rfid chip information technology / radio frequency identification (rfid) chip / radio frequency identification rfid chip

MIT Develops Hack-Proof RFID Chip — Here's How It Works

Friday, February 05, 2016 Swati Khandelwal

Do you know about RFID chips and how many you are carrying at this moment?

Today, RFID chips are built-in all sorts of items, including your credit cards, travel swipe cards, library books, grocery store cards, security tags, implanted medical records, passports and even the access cards provided by companies.

But, What actually is an RFID chip?


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Date: 2017-12-09 14:00:52

This $10 Device Can Clone RFID-equipped Access Cards Easily

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 Swati Khandelwal

Are you the one who simply punch your wallet against a reader to get into your office? Then surely your office is using Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) cards to manage building access and security.

However, these most common access control systems are incredibly easy to hack -- and now more than ever before. Thanks to a $10 tiny device developed by...

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Date: 2017-12-09 14:00:52

This $10 Device Can Clone RFID-equipped Access Cards Easily

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 Swati Khandelwal

Are you the one who simply punch your wallet against a reader to get into your office? Then surely your office is using Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) cards to manage building access and security.

However, these most common access control systems are incredibly easy to hack -- and now more than ever before. Thanks to a $10 tiny device developed by...

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Date: 2017-03-03 18:19:27

Related topics : rfid card reader device / door access control system using rfid / rfid card reader frequency / rfid card reader mobile / rfid proximity card reader

32M Becomes First-Ever Company to Implant Micro-Chips in ...

Three Square Market (32M) has announced that it had partnered with Swedish biohacking firm BioHax International for offering implanted microchips to all their employees on 1st August, according to the company's website .

Although the programme is optional, the company wants at least more than 50 of its employees to undergo the Biohacking procedure.

Like previous bio hacks, the chips will be...

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Date: 2017-12-09 14:00:52

Related topics : credit card companies using rfid technology / companies using rfid technology / radio frequency identification chip implant / radio frequency identification chip credit cards / rfid technology uses