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2 selected articles

Smart Meter Measurement of RF Emissions | Step-By-Step

Info & News , Radio Frequency

If you want to measure RF emissions from smart meters, we have developed smart meter measurement protocol in conjunction with Health Living Technologies. It provides a step-by step protocol for using a Gigahertz Solutions HF59B meter in conjunction with the NFA1000 data logger.


Smart Meters are utility meters that transmit user data wirelessly via...

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Related topics : radio frequency (rf) detection device

The Truth About Smart Meter Dangers & Its Health Risks

emf exposure , health risks , rf exposure , smart meter measurements , Smart Meters

As smart meter installation continues, consumers have questions about the safety of this device, more specifically people want to know if there are smart meter dangers that can cause health related problems. In fact, our office has received a large number of calls from individuals which state that they have...

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Related topics : radio frequency (rf) detection device