Selected articles for topic: active rfid asset tags
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Savi hybrid RFID tag made available - SAE International
Savi Technology says its hybrid ST-694 GlobalTag is the first asset and shipment monitoring device that combines GPS, active RFID (radio frequency identification), and satellite communications technologies. It allows for continuous monitoring and precise location information of supply chain assets almost anytime and anywhere, including areas where there is no terrestrial reader...
Improving the Safety of the Blood Transfusion Process
Improving the Safety of the Blood Transfusion Process
Pa Patient Saf Advis 2010 Jun;(2)33-40.�
Patient death or disability associated with incompatible blood is one of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Hospital-Acquired Conditions and is listed as one of the National Quality Forum's Serious Reportable Events. The Joint Commission's 2009 National Patient Safety Goal...
Date: 2017-03-04 00:40:03
Related topics : difference between passive and active rfid tags technology / passive and active rfid technology / rfid active tag technology / active rfid tracking technology / active rfid technology
RFID Systems for Wood and Paper Product Manufacturing ...
RFID Systems for Wood and Paper Product Manufacturing
Overseeing the manufacturing of wood and paper products involves managing a vast array of inventory, business processes, and personnel all with the goal of meeting daily quotas. RFID technologies assist in boosting the efficiency of wood and paper product manufacturing businesses across Canada and the U.S. by enabling the...
Date: 2017-10-24 09:59:31
Exhibition introduced - Internet of things fair,RFID ...
Venue Suzhou International Expo Center Hall B1, C1 �
Date July 30 - August 1, 2019����
Venue Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center,Hall 1, 6, 7, 8, 9�
Organizer Ulink Media
Co-organizer Shenzhen Institute of Standard and Technology, Internet of Things Association of Guangdong Province, Internet of Things Association of...
RFID Technology And Skiing With Social Media at Vail Resorts
Jan 2, 14 o lifestyle , personal technology , retail , supply chain o No Comments o Read More »
My avid ski buddies will make fun of me for being late on this, but I just returned from a holiday ski vacation in Colorado and saw yet another application of supply chain technology in the real world. This time it was RFID technology and skiing at Keystone and Breckenridge, where RFID asset tags...
Types of RFID - Trovan
Long term operating cost within the intended application
Ability or inability to read through or near liquids and different types of solids
Readability in the presence of metal and Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) emitted by nearby equipment
Quality of design and assembly (affects all aspects of performance)
What is a battery-assisted passive tag (BAP)?
Battery-assisted passive (BAP) tags use...
RFID Readers and RFID Gates | Zetes
RFID Readers and RFID Gates
In processes such as asset tracking or shipment verification the use of RFID can bring significant benefits. Zetes work with partners such as Motorola (by Zebra), Intermec (by Honeywell), Zebra, Datamax, and other RFID-specialised providers, to offer any type of
RFID tags (Low, high and ultra-high frequency;...
Date: 2017-03-02 23:49:05
Related topics : ultra high frequency rfid reader / rfid active reader passive tag / high frequency rfid reader / rfid reader for asset tracking / zebra rfid reader
Home > Markets > IPOs > Company IPO Overview
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We estimate that our net proceeds from the sale of the shares in this offering will be approximately $88.1 million, based upon an assumed initial public offering price of $11.00 per share,...
Types of RFID - Trovan
Long term operating cost within the intended application
Ability or inability to read through or near liquids and different types of solids
Readability in the presence of metal and Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) emitted by nearby equipment
Quality of design and assembly (affects all aspects of performance)
What is a passive tag?
Passive tags are powered by the reader (they typically derive...
RFID in manufacturing | Manufacturing AUTOMATION
RFID can address numerous manufacturing challenges, including security, quality control, production execution and asset management. When implementing the technology in a manufacturing environment, however, the key is not the tag, the reader or the part identification. Rather, it is the data that can be obtained. The objective is to use RFID to become a data-enabled enterprise, a manufacturer that...
RFID in manufacturing | Manufacturing AUTOMATION
RFID can address numerous manufacturing challenges, including security, quality control, production execution and asset management. When implementing the technology in a manufacturing environment, however, the key is not the tag, the reader or the part identification. Rather, it is the data that can be obtained. The objective is to use RFID to become a data-enabled enterprise, a manufacturer that...
Active RFID Solutions from SecuriCode
SecuriCode Active RFID
solutions can be used to manage 'assets' (people, goods, vehicles, animals, utilities, environment etc) in any business (including health care, education, construction, manufacturing, warehousing, transportation, farming) by providing -
SecuriCode expands deployments in Africa, Ireland (healthcare) and in the UK�(government building security).
February 2017
Date: 2017-08-20 08:19:53
Related topics : active rfid tag in real time location system / rfid asset management solutions / active rfid solutions / asset tracking solutions using rfid / active rfid asset tags
Tracking Technology Using RFID in Supply Chain Management
RFID technology has recently become one of the revolutionary element in supply chain management. Companies these days want to reduce the costs of their Supply Chain without affecting the service. Here automation and smart techniques play an important role, thus leading to these organizations using RFID solutions in transforming their global supply chain. RFID has proven to increase end-to end...
Date: 2018-01-12 08:49:17
Guard RFID Solutions Inc. Profile on T-Net
Lower Mainland / South Coast Lower Mainland
tag, RTLS, system integrators, RFID, access control
Profile Views:
Company Overview
Guard�RFID�Solutions -The next generation Active�RFID�Technology
Founded by highly experienced industry veterans,� Zahir Abji �and� Ally Mullani �in 2007, Guard�RFID�Solutions Inc. was established to provide the most robust, reliable and least...
Implementing RFID Technology: Issues and Challenges for ...
Implementing RFID Technology: Issues and Challenges for Internal Auditors
Internal auditing plays a distinct role before, during, and after the implementation of any RFID initiative. Learning what this role is will enable auditors to add value to their organization's use of this powerful technology.
Morris C. Attaway October 01, 2006 Comments Views
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From its early uses...
National Oilwell Varco
Most wells lose production pressure after only 30 percent of the reservoir is extracted, leaving behind rich reserves. The U.S. Department of Energy and World Energy Council estimate that hundreds of billions of barrels of oil exist in old wells.
Up to 50 percent more oil can be tapped by increasing reservoir pressure via water injection and other methods. Global water injection requirements are...
Related topics : rfid based asset management system / rfid based asset tracking system / active rfid based asset tracking system / radio frequency identification (rfid) asset tracking system / high temperature rfid tag for industrial environment
RFID Hospital Asset Tracking & Inventory Management
A unique combination of Wi-Fi locating, CenTrak's Gen2IR, and Low Frequency RF to future-proof investment and maximize ROI.
Benefits of the Leading Healthcare Asset Inventory Management System
Managing and protecting valuable mobile medical equipment with the ultimate location platform means healthcare facilities enjoy many cost-saving and efficiency-improving benefits. Take advantage of...
Benefits of RFID in Theft Protection - CONTROLTEK
/in CONTROLTEK News /by ControlTek
Statistics are showing that the rate of retail theft is steadily increasing, therefore security tagging is becoming not only important, but also essential, for retailers everywhere. CONTROLTEK is the North American distributor of RFID technology, one of the most modern technologies that provide leading retailers with protection against theft and loss, including a lot more functionality. We deliver well-built solutions "enabling commerce through innovation" and make certain to secure assets from top retailers across the globe.
Security tagging using...
RFID Readers | Passive | Semi-Passive | Active
You are here: Home > RFID > RFID Readers
RFID Readers
GAOTek RFID readers are network connected devices in which mobile or a fixed base instrument sends data or power and communicates to the tags or transponders through wireless means. It has its own antenna to emit its own unique signal and receive signals from the transponders within range. Our readers can differ from one another depending on...
Cargo & Shipment Tracking - Reltronics Technologies
Reltronics Technologies Sales and Technical support line at 877-283-7826. Lines are open Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM EST.
GPS & Wireless >> Representative Applications >> Cargo & Shipment Tracking
Recent developments in the realm of international trade have increased the...
Date: 2017-02-08 15:31:14
File Tracking - 3M Global Gateway
File Tracking
Finding a file among piles of records can be an arduous and time consuming exercise. Innovative products from the 3M[TM] RFID Tracking System helps you find files - fast. The 3M[TM] RFID Tracking System uses Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to locate, inventory and check files in and out. The File Tracking system from 3M can be implemented using your existing...
Related topics : 3m rfid file tracking system / radio frequency identification (rfid) asset tracking system / rfid tag tracking system / rfid asset tracking software system / asset tracking system using rfid
RFID Centre | Indoor RFID Tracking
Contact Us
Indoor RFID Tracking
Passive RFID systems can be used over short-ranges where the objects to be tracked pass through a small number of known narrow points that can be automatically monitored - such as a pallet of goods passing through a door in a warehouse. Passive RFID systems are only capable of recording the movement of objects at those specific choke points and loose visibility...
Date: 2013-10-08 13:26:26
Related topics : active rfid tag in real time location system / active rfid based asset tracking system / active rfid tracking system / asset tracking system using rfid / tracking system using rfid
Asset Tracking Solutions | Guard RFID
Real visibility when it comes to your people and assets
Real flexibility. Real interoperability. Real performance.
If you're like most organizations, you're constantly looking to reduce expenses, protect your staff, meet regulatory compliance, and maximize your utilization of assets and personnel, all while offering the best possible services to your customers.
The right asset tracking system can help achieve all of that through the power of enterprise-wide, real-time visibility of your people and assets both inside and...
Related topics : rfid asset tracking solutions / active rfid asset tracking / rfid asset tracking system / rfid tags for asset tracking / rfid healthcare asset tracking
TraceTracker Asset Mobile
Track equipment with your mobile phone!
TraceTracker Asset Mobile (TT Asset Mobile) is a new application for smart telephones that tracks equipment and tools in near real-time. Now construction workers can increase their effectiveness by using mobile telephones that they already have in their pockets.�
TT Asset Mobile cuts the cost of equipment management and increases the accuracy of...
Related topics : rfid tag equipment tracking / mobile phone rfid tracking / rfid based asset tracking solution / rfid mobile phone applications / small rfid tag reader
АйТиПроект | RFID-система для инвентаризации основных ...
RFID-system for the inventory of property and control over its movement
How to keep control of all fixed assets in the enterprise?
Why do we need an inventory? At any company, office, hotel it is necessary from time to time to know what material resources are available to the company and to have the relevant documents. But during any inventory process problems with great number of documentation,...
Date: 2017-03-04 02:07:41
Related topics : radio frequency identification technology (rfid) / radio frequency identification technology rfid / radio frequency identification (rfid) asset tracking system / radio frequency identification tags (rfid) / rfid radio frequency identification tags
RFID Middleware Software - AiRISTA
Middleware Software
AiRISTA's RFID platform is comprised of several hardware and software components that collectively address a wide array of functionalities necessary for deploying an effective RFID solution. These components provide the tools necessary to manage RFID tags including serialization, inventory management, storage of data and corresponding events, real-time data analysis,...
Date: 2017-03-04 00:58:23
Related topics : passive and active rfid technology / semi passive rfid tags / active and passive rfid tags / rfid tags for inventory management / passive rfid tag components
Savi Technology Deploys New Mobile RFID Infrastructure Kit ...
Savi Technology Deploys New Mobile RFID Infrastructure Kit For Real-Time Visibility Of Military Supplies
Source: Savi Technology Inc.
Savi Technology, Inc., a leading provider of RFID supply chain solutions, today announced the release of a new compact, highly mobile RFID solution that directly supports the war fighter deployed in the Area of Operations, such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Called the...
ISYS Chapter 7 Terms Flashcards | Quizlet
Occurs when a company places active or semi-passive RFID tags on expensive products or assets to gather data on the items' location with little or no manual intervention
Represents the loss of a network signal strength measured in decibels (dB) and occurs because the transmissions gradually dissipate in strength over longer distances or because of radio interference or physical...
RFID Services | Triptych Solutions
RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) is the most robust and cost-effective technology available for managing or tracking. This technology is transforming many industries by offering real-time visibility into inventory and product movement thus helping to improve productivity and loss prevention. An RFID tag serves the same purpose as a barcode; providing a unique identifier for that object. Yet...
RFID for Yard Management | Vizinex
RFID for Yard Management
Asset tracking in distribution centers, terminal yards, seaport yards and laydown yards - both civilian and military - is a challenging proposition.
Yards are often quite large, and materials and containers are moved frequently. Likewise, there is significant room for human error when dealing with large quantities of materials that must be tracked by pick-up location,...
RFID - Radio Frequency Identification - LiftingSafety
Active (long range, battery powered, finite life span).
Passive (no battery, powered on by reader, infinite life span).
Low, High, Ultra High Frequency
Standards Bodies
ISO (15693, 15691 etc.) - Older standards, widely used.
EPC Global - New standards focused on global trade and supply chain.
Our standard chip is the Phillips I-CODE SLI.
Points to Consider
Do you conduct on-site...
UHF Gen 2 RFID Reader/Writer with a Swivel Read Head ...
This UHF Gen 2 RFID reader/writer belongs to GAO's family of 900MHz (UHF) RFID Readers. The line includes a wide variety of RFID readers to meet customers' different needs. Some featured products in this line include UHF 902 MHz Gen 2 Portable Handheld RFID Reader Writer, 902 MHz RFID Gen 2 UTE Portable Reader Writer and Rugged Handheld Terminal RFID Reader .
Related topics : uhf gen 2 portable reader writer / rfid uhf gen 2 reader / handheld uhf rfid reader writer / uhf rfid reader writer / portable rfid reader writer
Global RFID in Healthcare Market - Analysis and Forecast ...
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in healthcare has a potential to create competitive advantage through automatizing and simplifying the collection of data. It helps various hospitals to track assets accurately and real time monitoring of key indicators which further allows higher visibility in the healthcare operations. However, the benefits of RFID technology in healthcare...
Protrac iD - Australia's leading manufacturer of Active ...
We develop and manufacture active ultra long-range RFID solutions for all types of Asset Tracking
Solutions for Occupational Health and Safety and Proof of Performance
Transport & Logistics
RFID and wireless products for Transport & Logistics industries, and Automatic Vehicle Identification solutions
Mining & Infrastructure
We're renowned for providing solutions to all sectors of the Mining industry
Car Parking & Gated Communities
The fast, effective way of controlling access to car parks and gated communities
Whatever the solution
Working with customers and System Integrators world-wide, Protrac iD have engineered and...
Related topics : long range rfid reader manufacturers / long range active rfid tags / long range active rfid reader / rfid tag reader long range / ultra long range rfid reader
iPad: RFID Bluetooth reader disables keyboard | FileMaker ...
They use a Bluetooth RFID reader to scan asset tags on equipment and enter them into the solution - however, when the RFID reader is connected, in behaves as a Bluetooth keyboard, which means the iPad's own keyboard is disabled. The client must enable Bluetooth to read a tag, then...
Related topics : bluetooth rfid reader / rfid tag reader iphone / active rfid tag and reader / active rfid tag reader / rfid tag reader software
RFID use in healthcare on the rise | Digital Health
The use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in healthcare across the globe now accounts for almost 9% of global RFID projects, according to research by UK-based consulting firm, IDTechEx.
The researchers found that the use of the technology in healthcare has risen over the years and is now the sixth most important applicational sector for the use of RFID.
With the global market for RFID now...
The Difference Between Asset Tracking and Inventory Tracking
Customers looking for barcode tracking software often use the terms asset tracking and inventory tracking interchangeably. And while there are similarities between the two, they actually refer to very different things.
Both asset tracking and inventory tracking software can leverage barcode and RFID technology to speed up error-prone manual processes. And both are used to determine where things...
Related topics : rfid for asset tracking and inventory management / rfid asset tracking software system / rfid fixed asset tracking software / asset tracking system using rfid / rfid asset tracking software
Tracking system - Wikipedia
6 External links
Tracking in virtual space[ edit ]
In virtual space technology, a tracking system is generally a system capable of rendering virtual space to a human observer while tracking the observer's coordinates . For instance, in dynamic virtual auditory space simulations, a real-time head tracker provides feedback to the central processor, allowing for selection of appropriate head-related...
Date: 2018-01-10 13:26:56
Asset Tracking Systems. Asset Tracking Devices. RFID GPS ...
Asset Tracking Enquiries
Trusted to Monitor, Track and Recover
Welcome to NFC, an award winning real time asset tracking and recovery company using combined�RFID GPS tracking systems, we supply a hugely diverse range of market-leading turnkey asset tracking solutions for companies, governments and NGOs around the globe. We specialise in complex real time asset visibility and security solutions...
RFID and the Future of Pharmaceutical Supply Chains ...
RFID and the Future of Pharmaceutical Supply Chains
Mar 24, 2006
ePT--the Electronic Newsletter of Pharmaceutical Technology
RFID and the Future of Pharmaceutical Supply Chains
There was quite an upsurge in products and vendors focusing on radio frequency identification (RFID) at Interphex this year. An entire section of IT was dedicated to the emerging technology focusing on the need for a...
Date: 2017-12-10 05:09:17
RFID, container tracking, freight container tracking ...
Types of information that can be stored :
present location and next four destinations with arrival departure dates,
contents of the container
work orders, route of travel,
reports, history, notes etc
Technological superiority
barcode system fails if the image recognition field is minutely altered, may be due to scratching,...
Date: 2014-05-19 19:25:54
Related topics : rfid based container tracking system / rfid tag reader system / rfid tag and reader communication / radio frequency identification (rfid) asset tracking system / radio frequency identification tags (rfid)
Convergence CS101 Handheld Passive RFID Reader : CS101SSSTRAP
£33.60(Inc VAT)
About Convergence Systems
Founded in 2000, Convergence Systems Limited (CSL) is a leading design engineering and sales company of RFID readers, antennas, RFID modules, and custom RFID tags. CSL's readers have built-in middleware and edge server application supporting EPC...
Written by Amal Graafstra , RFID Toys contains step by step guides to building various RFID based projects, and stresses the concepts involved as well as the steps themselves.
RFID technologies covered include passive, low frequency 125KHz tags and readers, passive high frequency 13.56MHz, up to active, UHF 900Mhz tags and readers.
Chapter 1:
Introduction - A quick overview of RFID
Chapter 2:
Related topics : rfid active reader passive tag / uhf passive rfid tag reader / passive rfid tag and reader / passive rfid tag reader / active rfid tag and reader
About Us | Savi
Savi is pioneering sensor analytics solutions that create operational intelligence from the Internet of Things. Applying big data technologies to machine-generated data, Savi solutions are trusted to run the world's largest and most complex asset tracking and monitoring network, serving the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), allied military and more than 780 commercial companies around the...
Related topics : rfid supply chain solutions / radio frequency identification tags (rfid) / rfid radio frequency identification tags / savi active rfid tags / passive rfid tag uses
Savi Technology releases system-on-a-chip for active radio ...
Savi Technology releases system-on-a-chip for active radio frequency identification hardware development
July 3, 2010
Posted by John McHale
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., 3 July 2010. Savi Technology, a Lockheed Martin company [NYSE: LMT], unveiled a new radio frequency system-on-a-chip (SOC) about the size of a dime that streamlines design and development processes of DASH7 radio frequency...
RFID Tracking System | Monitor Inventory | Software | Tri ...
Tri-State Filing �>�RFID Tracking System
RFID Tracking System
Track File Folders, Equipment, Weapons, and any other asset your company rquires.
RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) File Tracking Software Systems give accountability to the file room clerk as to where and who has a file. No more blaming the file room clerk for missing files. RFID file tracking software will save...
Savi Technology Introduces Savi Sentinel RFID System to ...
Savi Technology Introduces Savi Sentinel RFID System to Automate Management and Security of Cargo Container Shipments
U.S. Maritime Security Conference
October 29, 2003 08:06 AM Eastern Standard Time
NEW YORK--( BUSINESS WIRE )--Oct. 29, 2003--
7th-Generation Wireless Technology Links with Other Sensor Devices and a Wireless Global Network to Report Container Location and In-the-Box...
CSL Launches Affordable, Reliable UHF RFID Handheld Sled ...
CSL did it again! Seven years ago, they made the impossibly-good CS101 handheld with fixed reader performance in a handheld. The CS108 is the refresh we've wanted and they have set standard for best-in-class performance in a handheld reader
Dallas, TX (PRWEB) April 24, 2017
Convergence Systems Limited (CSL), a global provider of passive RFID products and active RTLS equipment, today announced...
Date: 2017-10-21 12:09:59
Cycle Counting and Inventory Tracking with RFID and Mobile ...
Cycle Counting and Inventory Tracking with RFID and Mobile Robots
By 2022 the RFID market is expected to be worth $22 billion according to a recent Research and Markets report .�This global value and the impressive 13.2% CAGR for the industry is a result of the thousands of companies that have already discovered the value that RFID can bring to their business, and thousands more that are...
Pre-programmed Identec i-Q310 18000-7 active RFID tags
CodeSource pre-programed 18000-7 ILR i-Q tags: Since we write the tags for you, no additional software or hardware is required by the customer.
The i-Q310 series of transponders is IDENTEC SOLUTIONS' well-established generation of Intelligent Long Range® (ILR®) active RFID transponders based on the ISO/IEC 18000-7 standard.
ILR provides highly accurate, real-time data collection without...
Related topics : long range active rfid tags / long range active rfid / rfid tag writing software / based active rfid tags / active rfid tag read range