
Rank: 361 / 1333

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100 billion new computers the size of a grain of sand, RFID technology Mark of The BEAST

"RFID technology will be used in billions of things in our world - and these tiny chips will also be fused to brain tissue. 10 billion RFID computer chips were used by Wal-Mart alone last year. Impact of RFID on retailing, manufacturing, wholesale, distribution. Security and privacy. Multimedia conference lecture, keynote presentation by Futurist Dr Patrick Dixon. You can watch the entire presentation on Google Video (one hour keynote conference lecture on future trends)"

thx² ICTer4life...

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Christian Activist Speaks Against RFID Chip And Explains Bible Prophecy

If you are chipped against your will and without your knowledge or consent then the spiritual qualifications for damnation of your soul are not met and you are still redeemable to God. However you will still be chipped here o Earth and could be put through very tough times. Only if you willingly accept the RFID chip do you cast yourself out of the will o God according to prophecy.

Furthermore the standard RFID chip is not the most advanced, but is merely one version which is already decades...

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Mandatory RFID Chip For Swedish Company

thx² Paul Begley

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Human RFID Implants Mandated Microchips are Coming

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