Maureen Hamilton

Rank: 780 / 1333

2 selected videos

How Identity Thieves Are Stealing Credit Card Information With RFID scanners YouTube 360p

Identity theft is increasing with new technology. People are having their identity stolen without even realising it. One such case of technology that has increased the risk to our personal financial

security is RFID credit cards. So what can we do to protect our finances...

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Related topics : rfid credit card scanner theft / rfid credit card theft protection

What is RFID and why should we be worried?

The largest credit card companies all say radio frequency technology (RFID) is very secure. However they do agree, even with sophisticated Fraud prevention, advance capabilities or powerful security to prevent misuse, crooks do intercept credit card information. It has been demonstrated how easy it is to scan credit cards and then make purchases. There is never any question. It is so easy...

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Related topics : credit card rfid security / rfid credit card scanning