Selected articles for topic: active and passive rfid tags
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RFID Applications: Determining the Total Cost of Ownership ...
RFID Applications: Determining the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
How to Determine the Total Cost of an RFID Application
Determining the cost of deploying and maintaining a radio frequency identification (RFID) application is not a trivial matter, as the magnitude of your investment will depend on several factors that may or may not influence the cost of other components within the system.
Date: 2017-03-04 01:42:14
Related topics : rfid passive tag reader cost / rfid tags and readers cost / cost of rfid readers and tags / mobile rfid reader cost / cost of mobile rfid reader
RFID RTLS Passive UHF Tags Inventory: Why Us - 3DTAC
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Passive UHF RFID RTLS TAC[TM] vs. Traditional RFID RTLS
Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) is a common buzzword in the world of RFID, but it is important to understand that not all RTLS systems are created equal.
Which solution is right for your business?
These days, most businesses need to locate their items in real-time as precisely as possible, no matter how rapidly the items are moving.
The 3DTAC RTLS solution is differentiated by the fact that we can track an unlimited number of tagged items with precision of up to ½ ft. Since our system...
Types of RFID - Trovan
Long term operating cost within the intended application
Ability or inability to read through or near liquids and different types of solids
Readability in the presence of metal and Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) emitted by nearby equipment
Quality of design and assembly (affects all aspects of performance)
What is a battery-assisted passive tag (BAP)?
Battery-assisted passive (BAP) tags use...
RFID Systems Singapore | RFID Solution Provider | Customised
RFID Systems Singapore
Provider of affordable customised RFID Tracking�Solutions
RFID Technology at your fingertips
Join the community of RFID adopters and see the difference. Drop us an email now!
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Warehouse Inventory Management RFID Systems
Tracking the inflow and outflow of inventory in warehouse can improve efficiency and reduce unwanted cost. As a result,...
Smart hospital asset tracking with RFID and IoT -
Image Analysis
RFID and IoT: A smart symbiosis for hospital asset tracking and management
Smart asset tracking is a buzzword that becomes more and more popular in the healthcare industry. From the outside, it looks like a complicated innovation that may need much time and money to be implemented and adopted. However, it makes sense to study the topic deeper before drawing a conclusion.
In our...
RFID smart label | Article about RFID smart label by The ...
RFID smart label | Article about RFID smart label by The Free Dictionary
(redirected from RFID smart label)
RFID tag
An electronic identification device that is made up of a chip and antenna. For reusable applications, it is typically embedded in a plastic housing, and for tracking shipments, it is usually part of a "smart" packaging...
RFID Project Ideas For Engineers | Full Circuits With ...
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that uses radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer information from a tag to RFID reader for identification purposes. The tags do not require battery power. They derive power from the electromagnetic field generated from the reader. Some tags are also available which have their...
Examining the Elements of a Basic RFID System - dummies
Learning the fundamentals of RFID can be overwhelming. By understanding the basics of how data travels in waves and then through a network in an RFID system, however, you gain a solid foundation for greater knowledge as you explore the global architecture of RFID.
In a basic RFID system, four fundamental components are required for data to make its grand journey:
A transponder (more commonly just...
Related topics : rfid tag reader system / rfid active reader passive tag / active rfid tag in real time location system / passive rfid tag system / passive rfid tag antenna
Railway Management RFID Systems – GAO RFID Inc.
Railway Management Challenges--an Overview
Rail transport managers and operators find it challenging to balance excellent service with both time and cost saving measures; this is why an optimized Railway Management system is continually sought after. The need is to improve productivity, efficiently utilize assets, ensure safety, and provide the highest level of service.
Date: 2017-10-24 16:28:46
Types of Inventory Management Systems |
Types of Inventory Management Systems
by Kenneth Hamlett
The inventory management system a company chooses depends on various factors.
Depot image by Czintos Ã-dön from
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4 [Track Inventory] | How to Use Technology to Track Inventory
Properly managing inventory requires a system of some sort. It doesn't matter if the system consists of writing inventory levels on...
RFID in Transportation | Transport Business
RFID is demonstrating huge versatility in terms of its ability to enable solutions within applications in the transportation sector
This article gives a brief overview of a number the Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) applications currently being deployed where users are deriving real benefit. In addition, the article covers applications that are currently being piloted and are anticipated to...
Real Time Location System - RTLS vs RFID - CenTrak
RTLS vs RFID - The Common Misperception
Buzzing around the RTLS and Healthcare industry like we do, we often hear people use the words Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Real-Time Locating Systems (RTLS) interchangeably. If you're one of them, don't panic; it has been a common misperception throughout the years. While RFID and RTLS solutions are both classified as location-based...
Rfid In Logistics Applications Information Technology Essay
Rfid In Logistics Applications Information Technology Essay
Last Edited:
23rd March, 2015
This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers.
This paper aims to educate the reader about RFID technology, how it evolved and its current applications and usage in the supply chain and logistics industry. The paper starts...
Date: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
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ALA | Tech Notes
RFID Technology for Libraries
Prepared by Richard W. Boss
RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) is the latest technology to be used in library theft detection systems. Unlike EM (Electro-Mechanical) and RF (Radio Frequency) systems, which have been used in lib raries for decades, RFID-based systems move beyond security to become tracking systems that combine security with more efficient tracking...
Related topics : rfid tags uses / library rfid system price / rfid library system technology / library automation using rfid technology / rfid tags library applications
RFID Technology Details - An On-Line Tutorial
Replacing UPC Bar Coding for Inventory Control and Point-of-Sale
Personal Identification and the Identification of Personal Property
In/Out Time Logging for time cards and general access control
Location Awareness when GPS satellites are blocked in building interiors
RFID Active Tagging
Locating wheelchairs in hospitals and airports
Automatic toll collection as vehicles move under a reader at a...
Date: 2012-11-30 07:55:47
RFID retail solution providers in India - AOPL
RFID retail solution providers in India
In the 20th century, everybody wants to save their time. This demand has led to the popularity of a technology known as RFID. RFID or Radio Frequency Identification is a technology that contains tags or chips which can communicate with other devices and update the data through radio wave frequency. RFID tags contain a microchip and a transmitter that can only be activated by an RFID reader to which the tag returns its signals. Therefore, RFID technology is called a passive technology.
This technology is very similar to barcode but barcodes can read one tag at a time and...
US7961097B2 - RFID based monitoring system and method ...
An RFID based monitoring system and method is provided. A tag module is allocated to an item to be traced, which is operable by an RFID reader. In the system, the tag module is accessed through conductive coupling with an entry point that is operable in an RF field of the RFID reader.
The present disclosure relates to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, and more...
Overcoming RFID Limitations - AIDC 100
By Chris Kapsambelis
Several supply chains are moving to the use of RFID (radio frequency identification) in logistics applications. RFID has many desirable capabilities but based on extensive testing and dealing with the laws of physics, there are real and practical...
Date: 2010-10-25 13:30:00
Related topics : rfid tag reader system / passive rfid tag read range / active rfid tag read range / rfid active reader passive tag / rfid tag read range
Design of RFID tag antennas using an inductively coupled ...
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...(O hm ) real imagsFigure 31.sInput impedance of the simulated 915 MHz UHF RFID sshape antenna.santenna input impedance (Zant =59.7 +j96.4) is lower around 915 MHz compared tosinductively coupled feed =-=[39]-=- matching networks. Antennas designed using inductivelyscoupled feed structures yield high phase angles (i.e. Zant = 6.2 +j127). As explained in thespaper...
Activ Tags | Wavetrend
Wavetrend offers the range of Activ[TM] tags for purchase by our customers in countries and regions outside of the USA and Canada. For our customers in the USA and Canada, please refer to our ActivDuo[TM] range of tags .
Personnel Tag (TGP)
The Personnel tag is intended for use with all personnel security and access applications such as dynamic mustering and health and safety compliance, or on...
Related topics : active rfid asset tags / rfid tags for asset tracking / rfid asset tagging system / rfid asset management tags / rfid asset tags
RFid Based Attendance Management System | Microtronics ...
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Attendance needs to be taken at various places including colleges, school for students and in the industries for the login logout time of employees. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based attendance management system can be used in any college or university or company. Main objective of RFID based...
Related topics : rfid id card reader / rfid card reader program / what frequency do credit card rfid use / credit card rfid tag / rfid time card system
Asset tracking and management system for library using ...
Research Article - Biomedical Research (2016) Computational Life Sciences and Smarter Technological Advancement
Asset tracking and management system for library using active radio frequency identification (RFID)
Muthuselvi R *
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology Virudhunagar, India
*Corresponding Author:
Department of Computer Science and...
Long range RFID readers - reliable IP67 rated devices from ...
Long range RFID application? We'll optimize it for you.
Cost-effective long range RFID
Passive long range RFID in vehicle ID or logistics should save you both time and money. Vehicles only need to slow while passing through entrance gates for you to identify them. This can reduce time, fuel costs - and emissions. But Idesco passive UHF EPC readers also install faster when connecting to wireless...
Mobile Asset Tracking Technologies: Barcodes, QR Codes ...
Mobile Applications For Inventory Management, Data Collection And Workflow
Mobile Asset Tracking Technologies: Barcodes, QR Codes, NFC, RFID, GPS Tags
How do mobile asset tracking technologies (barcodes, QR codes, NFC, RFID, GPS) work and which one will fit better into your business workflow.
When people say asset tracking they mean different things. One person may refer to their vehicle fleet,...
Date: 2017-11-24 20:22:31
Using RFID to Overcome Inventory Control Challenges ...
July 15, 2009
1 Introduction
In recent years, (Radio-Frequency Identification) RFID technology has attracted the attention of the industrial community as well as the scientific community. RFID technology is a wireless automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technology [1] that enables the identification of any tag item in real-time in a given supply chain with a minimum human...
RFID Reader - Active Performance, Passive Economics - Mojix
Imagine what could be done with an RFID reader that:
Provided 100,000 times the receiver sensitivity of today's UHF passive solutions -- an unprecedented 50 dB.
Enabled genuine wide area coverage -- up to 250,000 sq. feet with a single system -- with no line-of-sight restrictions.
Delivered optimal performance despite natural interference, and, was one system that powers not only tag reads, but...
Top 16 RFID Solutions Providers and Suppliers in Dubai UAE
Top 16 RFID Solutions Providers and Suppliers in Dubai UAE
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) is the use of radio waves to read and capture information stored on a tag attached to an object.� A tag can be read from up to several feet away and does not need to be within direct line-of-sight of the reader to be tracked.
How does a RFID system work?
A RFID system is made up of two parts: a tag...
Sensor and Reader Hardware | Savi
Setting the Standard
Proven, Active RFID Solutions
Savi offers a comprehensive set of tags and readers that protect and track your critical assets. As a pioneer in the development of active RFID technology, Savi's hardware has been battle-tested in the harshest, most demanding conditions. Further, Savi has a "tag agnostic" approach to supply chain analytics, so we partner with third-party vendors...
Related topics : savi active rfid tags / rfid active reader passive tag / rfid reader mobile device / savi rfid tag / active rfid tag and reader
What are the RFID tag classes or standards? - GAO UAE
The original tag classes were first developed by the MIT Auto-ID Center. The oldest class 0 and 1 later passed onto EPCglobal as a basis to create the newer standard of EPC Gen 2, the full definitions of the remaining newer classes are still under development. Below shows a brief description on each available class currently:
Class 0:� Generation 1, factory preprogrammed read-only passive...
Related topics : epc class 1 passive rfid tags / passive rfid tag read range / read write rfid tags / epc gen 2 rfid tag / rfid active reader passive tag
Touch n Go RFID pilot programme starts – we install the ...
The RFID tag, which comes in the form of a sticker with a tiny grain-like chip (some would have noticed this on Uniqlo price tags and Decathlon product labels) and an antenna, "follows the car" and is registered/installed on one vehicle - unlike a Smart Tag that you can bring from car to car. Have two cars? Each will need its own RFID tag, which is linked to the owner's Touch n Go eWallet app.
Date: 2019-04-10 15:05:57
DoD improves logistics through RFID -- ADTmag
Logistics is a concern for the $450 billion a year Department of Defense (DoD). To become the best in class logistics, the DoD is turning to radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. "We've actually been using active RFID for about 10 years in the Army," noted Alan Estevez, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Supply Chain Integration. Speaking at AMR Research's recent Supply...
Related topics : dod passive rfid tags / use of rfid in supply chain management / passive rfid tag uses / radio frequency identification technology (rfid) / radio frequency identification technology rfid
International Conference on RFID, Orlando | 3–5 May 2016
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is an exciting multidisciplinary field with numerous applications. The IEEE International Conference on RFID is the premier conference for exchanging all technical research in RFID. The conference attendance boasts an outstanding mix of practitioners and researchers from industry and academia. The IEEE RFID conference is an opportunity to share, discuss, and...
Library Automation Using RFID ~ Computer Science and ...
In the ensuing discussions we will see how RFID technology is recommended for library automation. RFID technology is not just there to tags books and other library assets; it will provide a comprehensive route for enhancing all library services and upgrade operations for everyone concerned with the library.
Issues: During a day, library managers have to supervise many activities within their...
Date: 2017-02-01 17:35:39
Related topics : library shelf management system using rfid technology / rfid tag library management system / smart library management system using rfid / rfid library system technology / rfid library management system video
Is a Passport Cover the best way to protect your ePassport
Passport Cover
Does a Passport cover protect from electronic pickpockets?
Since 2006 all new passports issued in the USA, EU and Australia plus many more countries now use biometric passports or ePassport. These passports contain all your personal data on a micro-chip and uses RFID tag technology to transmit that data.
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been adopted my many...
by Tomasz Markowski
IEEE RFID-TA 2017 will provide a forum for the advancement of RFID technology and practice, and will aim to strengthen relations between industry, research institutions and academia. Authors are invited to submit maximum 6-page original, high-impact papers presenting their latest research and practical applications in all areas of RFID.
Topics of Interests include:
Antenna theory and designs, channel measurements and modeling, including MIMO, UWB and hybrid RFID
Applications & Software
RFID software, middleware, network applications, various applications of RFID in smart cities, scientific studies on operational experience of RFID...
RFID Systems | Software & Hardware | Compare 2017's Best
Looking to get lean? Need an efficient and accurate way to manage your inventory? RFID is the next step in inventory and warehouse management, providing the automation and real-time insights you need to enable more effective and accurate inventory management.
Overwhelmed? We'll help you find your ideal software solution, absolutely�free!
Find out why thousands of businesses trust Software...
Date: 2017-12-09 23:49:08
RFID Systems | Software & Hardware | Compare 2016's Best
Your Recommendations
RFID Systems: Exploring the Spectrum of Available Options
Looking to get lean? Need an efficient and accurate way to manage your inventory? RFID is the next step in inventory and warehouse management, providing the automation and real-time insights you need to enable more effective and accurate inventory management.
Overwhelmed? We'll help you find your ideal software...
Date: 2017-03-04 00:34:17
Related topics : asset tracking system using rfid / rfid for asset tracking and inventory management / radio frequency identification (rfid) asset tracking system / rfid inventory tracking system cost / rfid asset tracking software system
Mammoth Mountain Single & Multi-Day Lift Tickets | Buy Online
Lift Ticket FAQs
What is RFID?
RFID stand for radio-frequency identification. It is a small circuit integrated into your ticket, or season pass card. When you pass through the lift gates, this circuit will register and open the gates for you.
Why is Mammoth Mountain Using RFID?
There are many guest benefits that RFID allows Mammoth Mountain to provide. Benefits include direct-to-lift convenience,...
How IoT Logistics Will Revolutionize Supply Chain ...
As with many other areas of the economy, the digital revolution is having a profound effect on delivery logistics.
The combination of mobile computing, analytics, and cloud services , all of which are fueled by the Internet of Things (IoT), is changing how delivery and fulfillment companies are conducting their operations.
One of the most popular methods for fulfilling deliveries today is through...
Related topics : rfid active reader passive tag / use of rfid in supply chain management / asset tracking solutions using rfid / difference between passive and active rfid tags technology / long range passive rfid tag for sensor networks
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) - DonsNotes
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
Under Construction.
2015 seems to be the year of contactless payment and ID systems with the rollout of Apple Pay to compete with Google Wallet and chips on credit cards.
RFID tags:
- Passive RFID tags do not have a transmitter; they simply reflect back energy (radio frequendy (RF) waves) coming from the reader antenna.
These are the type used on credit cards...
Date: 2015-04-21 23:43:42
Surgical Instrument Comprising a Detection Means - Tagil ...
The invention relates to a surgical instrument (1) comprising a detection means (10) for reacting to at least one external stress (30) emitted by a generator means (15) that generates the stress (30). The invention also relates to the method for producing such a surgical instrument (1). The invention likewise relates to the generator means (15). The invention further relates to a method for...
Multiplying Value in active RFID - RFID Global Solution ...
Multiplying Value in Active RFID
Multiplying Value in active RFID
With DoD's award last December of a 10-year, $428 million contract for (RFID)-III initiative, Military Logistics Forum asked two of the awardees, Savi Corp., a Lockheed Martin company, and Unisys Inc. and RFID Global Solution if they would speak to MLF readers about the direction they feel DoD is taking the RFID industry in the...
Advanced RFID Measurements: Basic Theory to Protocol ...
Table 1. Comparison of the Typical RFID Read Range According to Frequency Band (Passive Tags)
While Table 1 compares the read range of passive tags, note that there are actually three RFID tag types: active, passive, and semiactive. Because active and semiactive tags use an onboard power source to power the tag response, they are typically capable of much longer read ranges. Passive tags, on...
Related topics : 915 mhz rfid tags / rfid tags and readers cost / how much do active rfid tags cost / cost of rfid readers and tags / rfid tag and reader circuit
RFID Readers | Passive | Semi-Passive | Active
You are here: Home > RFID > RFID Readers
RFID Readers
GAOTek RFID readers are network connected devices in which mobile or a fixed base instrument sends data or power and communicates to the tags or transponders through wireless means. It has its own antenna to emit its own unique signal and receive signals from the transponders within range. Our readers can differ from one another depending on...
What is the Future of RFID Technology? | Lowry Solutions
RFID , Traceability
RFID technology is poised for some significant advancements fueled by what analysts say will be more rapid growth in healthcare, retail, food safety, and other markets. The future of RFID is growing and expanding as more industries and companies invest in the technology. As a result, RFID is becoming more cost-effective than ever for solving real-world business...
ISO/IEC 18000 - RFID Air Interface Standards
ISO/IEC 18000 is a series of standards being created by ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC31/WG4/SG3. They are creating RFID air interface standards for the item identification world.
ISO/IEC 18000 has been published. You can visit the ISO web site to get more details and order the documents or you can get them from your local National Body. Visit ISO .
The ISO/IEC 18000 series of...
What Is the Future of RFID Technology? -
RFID technology is poised for some significant advancements fueled by what analysts say will be more rapid growth in healthcare, retail, food safety, and other markets. The future of RFID is growing and expanding as more industries and companies invest in the technology. As a result, RFID is becoming more cost-effective than ever for solving real-world business challenges.
Analysts have been...
Related topics : new design antenna for rfid uhf tags / new applications for rfid technology / antenna design for uhf rfid tags / future uses of rfid technology / rfid tag antenna design
The study on using passive RFID tags for indoor ...
Existing positioning technologies such as GPS are not available indoors as the terminal cannot get the signal from satellites. To enhance the availability of the positioning systems for indoors, the development of RFID positioning system for...
Date: 2017-05-17 04:46:08
Battery Assisted Passive RFID Technology Brings Low Cost ...
Battery Assisted Passive RFID Technology Brings Low Cost Smart Temperature Monitoring To Cold Chain
Battery Assisted Passive RFID Technology Brings Low Cost Smart Temperature Monitoring To Cold Chain
Hong Kong, April 30, 2013 - Convergence Systems Limited (CSL), a global provider of both passive RFID tags, readers, and antennas and active RTLS equipment, announces their portfolio of UHF EPC Class...
Smallest, Fastest active RFID tags on the Market Now ...
GuardRFID President Zahir Abji announced the availability of GuardRFID's active 433MHz real time locating system (RTLS) on the MOBILEFusion[TM] platform from AppLocation Systems. MOBILEFusion enables companies to link their RFID item tracking to wide area GPS locating and location-based mobility services on a single platform for integrated supply chain and intelligent network...