Which RFID tags are best for vehicle tracking?

Today, Alison looks at a few UHF (Ultra High Frequency) passive Gen2 RFID (pRFID) tags that are great for tracking cars, trucks, and maybe even bicycles.

pRFID is where everything is going in the RFID world. It's cheap ($0.20 to a couple of dollars, depending on what you need), doesn't need batteries, lasts forever (or, 10+ years, whichever comes first), and has great range for tracking vehicles (20 feet or more).

Take a look then give us a call to start tracking your stuff!



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From: Simply RFiD

Related topics : low cost rfid tag / uhf rfid tags metal / low frequency rfid tag / printing passive rfid tags / rfid metal tag

Do you have use cases for cheap passive RFID tags that can one-way authenticate?

I'm asking for help from my connections to come up with concrete uses for a cheap passive RFID tag that can perform one-way authentication.

Those of you who follow my videos will know that recently I invented and filed a patent for a blockchain-backed enhancement for such a thing. So far I have:

1. replace barcodes with a more secure RFID in open supply chains so anyone can report goods in transit, not just trusted partners,

2. replace IoT devices currently used to track expensive goods with...

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From: Thinklair

Related topics : cheap passive rfid tags / passive rfid tag uses / supply chain using rfid / rfid tags replace barcodes


This video shows a cheap and simple rfid unit which i purchased recently from ebay, it shows a few simple modifications also carried out to the unit, this unit uses EM4102 tags which are read only rfid passive tags,

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From: quadrant2005

Related topics : passive rfid tag uses / cheap passive rfid tags

RFID experiment - Anti Hijack Prototype

Creating a prototype for anti hijack, intended for motorcycle rider. Recently in here, hijacking motorcycle crime has arised. Usually the hijacker operates at midnight till dusk on desolate or quiet streets.

This prototype uses RFID to check every 3 seconds if the RFID tag still in place, if not, it will warn 3 times on amber LED, then if it still doesn't find the tag, it will beeps repeatedly with blinking red LED then after 4-5 seconds if still doesn't find the tag, it will trigger the relay...

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From: riza endartama

Related topics : passive rfid tag distance / cheap passive rfid tags / rfid tag uses / passive rfid reader distance