
Rank: 334 / 1333

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RFID Data Monitor with Temperature, Shock and Tilt sensors

The PE3001 UHF RFID chip allow to connect RFID with a microcontroller.

The micro then alos allows to use more external sensors. In this case temperatute sensing is accomplished by the RFID chip PE3001. This chip alos gathers monitoring sensor data, even from the sensors connected to the microcontroller. In this case the controller is connected to a 2-D Accelerometer MEMS sensor. Sensor data are being CDC (Capacitance-to-digital Conversion) transfered by the PE5010 IC. The system can track...

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PE3001 Evaluation Kit EVA3001 UHF RFID Temperature Data Logger

PE GmbH : This chip adds temperature sensing, a real time clock, a large EEPROM and SPI to EPC Gen2 RFID Tag functionality . Logistics of all kinds can be constantly controlled. The chip also allows to hook up other sensors through a MCU connected to the SPI. The kit comes with a GUI and all source codes.

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