America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)
voir la vidéoAmerica: Freedom to Fascism, 2006.
By Aaron Russo (1943 - 2007)
America: Freedom to Fascism is a 2006 film by Aaron Russo, covering a variety of subjects, including: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the income tax, Federal Reserve System, national ID cards (REAL ID Act), human-implanted RFID tags, Diebold electronic voting machines, globalization, Big Brother, taser weapons abuse, and the alleged use of terrorism by government as a means to diminish the citizens'...
→ 15 Videos (and 53 Articles) for this topic
RFID Clothes Tags For Clothes Smart Management, Supermarket
T-union is one of the best manufacturers and supplier for RFID Card, RFID Wristbands, RFID Tags products. RFID Clothes Tag promotes the clothes management and save the cost of human and materials. It makes the warehouse replenishment smarter. More Products: More RFID Solution:
Related topics : rfid clothing tag / smart rfid tag manufacturers / rfid tag suppliers / how much rfid tags cost / human rfid tags
Ed Yeates' Clip on iWalker
This video clip of iWalker was featured on Channel 5 KSL TV, Salt Lake City, Utah on March 4, 2008 by Ed Yeates.
This video features iWalker, a multi-sensor rollator-mounted wayfinding system for the elderly. The sensor suite consists of an encoder, a digital compass, and an RFID reader-antenna unit. The RFID antenna is attached to a PVC pipe in front of the walker, about 5 cms from the floor. It reads passive RFID tags in smart mats. A smart mat is a carpet with a grid of RFID tags...
From: CsatlUSU
Related topics : passive rfid tag antenna / rfid smart tags / rfid reader antenna / passive rfid tag sensor / passive rfid tag system
SARC-3 RFID TAGS work on all surfaces including metal
RFID Tags for metal and all other surfaces Frontweb SARC3 rfid asset tags read at over 70 feet with fixed rfid reader and over 17.5 feet with motorola mc9090g handheld rfid reader. Excellent tag for tracking assets servers computers rack servers and other high value assets. The sarc3 is available with many options such as human readable matching barcode programming custom imprinting etc.
Visit for further information
From: RFIDstuff
Related topics : rfid tags for asset tracking / rfid tag and reader working / rfid tag for metal / handheld rfid reader motorola
Bulldozed American Dreams and RFID Chip Human Tags
Advocates of technologies like radio frequency identification tags say their potentially life-saving benefits far outweigh any Orwellian concerns about privacy. RFID tags sewn into clothing or even embedded under people's skin could curb identity theft, help identify disaster victims and improve medical care, they say.
Critics, however, say such technologies would make it easier for government agencies to track a person's every movement and allow widespread invasion of privacy.
From: Poppen Report
Related topics : radio frequency identification tags (rfid) / radio frequency identification chip technology / radio frequency identification technology rfid / radio frequency identification chip in humans / rfid chip in clothing tags
Human tags
RFID implant for identification and security reason. What about privacy? Big brother?
From: cplai
Related topics : rfid tags human implants / rfid implants in humans / rfid tag security
iWalker: Multi-Sensor Rollator for the Elderly
iWalker is a proof-of-concept multi-sensor rollator-mounted wayfinding system for the elderly. There is a laptop with a contour map of the USU CS Department. The blue circle on the map is the current location of iWalker.
The sensor suite consists of an encoder, a digital compass, and an RFID
reader-antenna unit. The RFID antenna is attached to a PVC pipe in front
of the walker, about 5 cms from the floor. It reads passive RFID tags in
smart mats. A smart mat is a carpet with a grid of...
From: CsatlUSU
Related topics : passive rfid tag antenna / rfid smart tags / rfid reader antenna / passive rfid tag reader / passive rfid tag sensor
"The High-Lighter" - RFID Secure Fire Trampoline
Mikey Sklars completely absurd invention a trampoline that shoots fireballs as children jump on it. The fireballs are propane based and the RFID reader requires his human implanted RFID tag to make the system work.
From: The Good Life Lab
Related topics : rfid tags human implants / rfid tag reader system / rfid tag security system / rfid implants in humans
Human Microchip Implants
A human Microchip Implant is an integrated circuit device or RFID tag encased in silicate glass and implanted into a human's body.
From: NewWorldNews
Related topics : rfid tags human implants / rfid human implant / rfid tag implant
Chipless RFID
Chipless RFID
Chipless RFID tags are RFID tags that do not require a microchip in the transponder.RFIDs offer longer range and ability to be automated, unlike barcodes that require a human operator for interrogation.
-Video is targeted to blind users
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
image source in video
From: WikiAudio
Related topics : chipless rfid tag / rfid transponder tag / rfid barcode tags / human rfid tag
Long range wristband RFID Tag for Race Timing, Access Control
UHF RFID wristband tag for Race timing, access control. Long read range up to 10m, anti human disturbance, waterproof, reusable. Pls contact us at or Whatsapp: +86 13902441162
From: Ellen D
Related topics : rfid tag long range / rfid access control / rfid uhf tags / human rfid tag / rfid wristbands